Thursday, January 9, 2020

Common Mistakes with Tree Trimming

It is usually, a good idea to call a contractor to manage tree removal for larger older trees, even if you have the right equipment and training. You also need to consider how the trees grow and can make cuttings in such a way that you do not hinder the future growth of the trees; you need more than just being competent with the saw to cut a tree safely and responsively.

Here are a few examples of common errors made by people not qualified for the task with tree trimming in Kelowna

Not trimming at the right time:

You should not trim your trees during certain times of the year, depending on your place, the species of the tree and the general condition of the tree. You should not prune it loudly if the tree appears nervous. In the warmest part of the summer, you definitely shouldn't choose branches facing west, since this takes some daylight away from the hot sun which may result in a steaming hot outage. Discuss the best time of year to cut trees on your property to a certified Arborist.

Pruning too much

Over-pruning is one of the most common errors among people who have trimmed their own trees. You never need to cut the leaves in a mature tree more than 15 to 20 percent at once. Usually, just 5-10% will be more than adequate. You prevent the tree from providing enough food and nutrients to structurally maintain itself by removing too much of the canopy. Be careful how much you get off— you risk killing the tree otherwise.


This is one of the hugely wrong mistakes with the pruning of trees. Topping means that you take too much from the top of the crown of the tree. This produces a tree with extreme cracking roots, which appears very strange.

Incorrect cuts

As we mentioned previously, one thing you need to know about is not just how many cuts you can make, but how and where you can cut a tree healthily. Most people tend to cut branches far too close to the main stem, leading to the loss of the collar of the branch, which has cells built to heal the wound. The resulting collar callus prevents illnesses from entering the trunk. When the branch is cut down onto the trunk, you will allow the drunken pesticides and disease, making the tree much more susceptible to death.

These are just a few examples of several of the most common mistakes people make in Kelowna, CA, who try to cut their own trees. Contact A&S Tree Solutions today to learn more about our tree removal services and why it is important to work with a specialist.